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Von Marseille bis Nowosibirsk
The account of a French volunteer in the Charlemagne Division 1943-45, eastern front. Von Marseille bis Nowosibirsk, A French volunteer...
Living with Covid-19 in Ireland, 2022
Ireland made headlines by dispensing with all Covid-19 restrictions, January 2022, when New Zealand, China, the US with low vaccination...
Chekist Colonel Putin invaded Ukraine, February 2022
Russia provided 3 days rations, intending to take Kyiv airport, land paratroopers, take Kyiv assassinate Zelensky and replace him with a...
Ahad-Ha'am; Isaac Deutscher; Baruch Kimmerling; Victor Klemperer on Israel
Asher Ginzburg, Jewish thinker, wrote a remarkably prescient text, warning against the crude and racist stereotypes of Arabs circulating...
Salafi-Jihadis will be defeated
Taliban occupy Afghanistan, August, 2021 Al-Qaedaism is more of a threat to Islam with false propaganda rather than threatening the West...
The Signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 6/12/1921
Griffith, Barton, Collins, Gavin Duffy, Childers and Duggan Hans Place, London, December 1921 The Irish delegates signed the Anglo-Irish...
Omicron, the latest Coronavirus variant
November 22, 2021, Pretoria, South Africa, a grouping of new Covid-19 cases emerged from Tswahne University along with some nearby...
Anti-Viral Medicines
Black Slip Wasp on Ivy flower, Conamara At the beginning of the 20th century large numbers of children and elderly succumbed to diseases...
Ulysses explained
Ulysses is the most difficult of entertaining novels. Books were written to explain the wanderings around Dublin, Ireland on Bloomsday...
Afghanistan, 'each Afghan has his God and his gun'
An out of date map of Afghanistan which borders on Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan, Sunday Times The 20 year military campaign by US...
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