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Ireland in 2026
Ireland in 2026 Ireland will continue to be the growing tiger economy of the EU well into the next decade. Inward investment from...
Humboldt and the World Organism
By June 2017 a Russian rocket will reach the International Space Station and provide the Astronauts with a new dimension: they will...
Eponymous Laws
Godwin’s Law Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler Occam’s Razor...
Schroedinger's Cat; Schroedinger's Paradox
Erwin Schroedinger, born in Vienna, Austria in 1887 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933, fled Austria in 1938 and established...
Operation Anthropoid
Heydrich's car, 1942 Czech pride in Jan Kubis, killer of Reinhard Heydrich People in the Czech Republic marked the seventieth anniversary...
Two Damned Banned Books - Ulysses and Dr Zhivago
In March 1919, The Little Review was examined by the US Post Office Department who duly found an extract from a novel, in progress,...
Bees and chemicals
Bees and Chemicals European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Existing Scientific Evidence of the Effects of...
Glavnoe upravlenie lagerei/GULAG
Male and female GULAG, Siberia, Russia Glavnoe upravlenie lagerei – GULAG/Main Camp Administration also known as Soviet slave labour...
Sir Roger Casement's Speech from the Dock, August 3, 1916
Sir John Lavery's painting of Sir Roger Casement's appeal in the High Court London, July 1916 An old English statute, 565 years old,...
Iceland a New Constitution
Gigur volcanic eruption, Iceland Katrin Oddsdottir discussed Iceland’s fury at the 2008 economic crash. 25 people were selected to draw...
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