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The World in 2040
Currently, the United States insults its allies; it is run by big corporations who care only about profit; big pharmaceutical and...
Ebola virus - an effective biological weapon 1976 - 2019
Origins The first ever outbreak occurred beside the river Ebola, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 1976. A doctor in Antwerp,...
Russian civil society forces the Kremlin to release falsely accused journalist Golounov, June 11, 2
Ivan Golounov was arrested, charged with selling 'mephedrone' yet the photographs supplied by the Russian police were not taken in his...
Greater Israel, 1967 - 2019
The Six Day War commenced on 5th June 1967, when Israel launched a series of pre-emptive air strikes against Egyptian, Syrian and...
The aspiring US autocrat lacks the ideology, intellect and discipline to achieve his aim.
Sales of George Orwell's satirical novel, '1984' increased in response to the calumny and surreal declarations of the current occupant...
Only 1% of nuclear fuel is recyclable. What is left for the next generation?
Windscale, renamed Sellafield, UK; Three Mile Island, USA; Chernobyl, Russia and Chernobyl, these accidents reinforce the dangers of...
Communism dominated Russia for 7 decades, its origins and demise
The Rus, dominated for 250 years by the Tartar invasion fought all invaders to set up a country in the vast Russian steppes ill defined...
Monogamy is the only Option
Birds are the exception in the animal kingdom – 90 per cent of species enter into monogamous relationships. Monogamy in the animal...
Hatred and violence in the EU, Pawel Adamowicz Mayor of Gdansk, assassinated, January 13, 2019
The assassination of the very popular Mayor of Gdansk, Sunday, January 13, 2019, by an unknown assailant who stabbed him with a knife...
Towards a European Army
French president Emmanuel Macron completed his visitation of the battlefield dead, a homage to the poilus of 1914-1918, 11/11/2018. He...
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